If looks could kill…

I’d be dead.  Check this out!


OUCH!  I once was told, when thinking about adopting the Rock, that having a dog was like having a perpetual 3 year old.  I get it now.  I didn’t get it then, but I get it now.  It’s been a little hectic around here with some deadlines and projects and Rocker has had about enough.  You know, it’s tough getting petted 2 hours out of the day instead of 6.  Sheesh.  Every time I got up from the couch to get something, I would return to find him in my spot.  You know the saying, shuffle your feet, lose your seat!  He knows it by heart apparently.  Such a funny dog-we love what he has added to our lives. 


In other news, I’m on the Granny Square wagon. I found this book in Hong Kong that has some really inspiring projects in it.  ISBN 4834724700  After a little poking around on the internet, I learned that Granny Square blankets are very popular right now.  There’s the flickr group, Granny Along, Posie Gets Cozy, and Molly Chicken to name only a few.  Some of the sites I c^nn0t access anymore, but oh well.  It’s the trade off of living here I guess.  On another note, I seem to be feeling the need to nest a bit.  What does that mean?  I don’t know.  I just know that someday, I will not live here anymore, so I’m working on a few projects (GS blanket being one of them) and collecting a few things from here that I will save for when I move back home. I think I’m craving permanent residence-yikes!

It was a good day.  I awoke to 5 emails from people I have been thinking about a lot in the last month. 2 of which I tried to email, but they got bounced back.  It’s strange the way intuition works.  I believe in that stuff.  Thank you for checking in and I’ll be emailing you all back this weekend.

Thank you Cynthia for the blog shout out and for having such cool products in your store!  Someday, I will come hang out around the studio table with you.  Looking forward to that.

Let’s Face It….

this place was just naked without a picture of Rocker!


There I feel better.  For those of you just now tuning in, this is my our weird little dog, Rocker.  We adore him as he’s very nutty and playful.  Lately his new trick is to hop from the couch to the coffee table in search of food or coffee or to simply be nosey.  Good Lord, he loves coffee! I don’t give it to him freely, he helps himself by digging in the trash for Starbucks cups or getting onto the table.  Addict.  This whole coffee table thing started a couple of weeks ago.  We were reading and then heard a strange slurpy, lappy noise rather close by.  Looked up, and Rocker had two front paws on the coffee table drinking out of my glass of water!  Too lazy to get up and go to his dish!  He’s in his Terrible Twos, I’m sure of it.


In other news, it’s raining cat’s and Rocker’s today.  I took this photo a couple of weeks ago, but it’s coming down equally as hard right now.  I love the sights and sounds of heavy rain when I’m indoors working on the computer or better yet, engrossed in a book.  However, I’m hoping it will let up a little because I’m off to learn how to knit at 2:30.  Selfish, I know, but rain, flip flops, and the country in which I live just don’t go together.  Icky.  This is my third attempt at learning how to knit—let’s hope it’s a charm.