Pumpkin Butta!

Wow!  Temperatures dropped today and at the moment there are heavy splats of rain hitting the pavement.  Ah yes, do you hear that knocking?  It's Jack Frost, I think.  And with this cold weather, warm foods are at the forefront of my mind.  Today I'm making Ultimate Potato Soup for tonight's dinner.  A few weeks ago, I ordered soup at a great little pub in Ft. Wayne where they served a smather of peanut butter and pumpkin butter with a hearty slice of bread.  I wanted more…

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So I made some.  It worked well to cut the recipe in half because then you only need one small can of pumpkin.  Then again, you could be the most popular kid in town if you make the full recipe, and share some with your friends.

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The aroma from simmering those spices filled my apartment.  So nice and warm.  I had one small jar, so I sterilized it and filled it up.  The rest awaits in my fridge for the potato soup and…some toast.


  1. I am thrilled I stumbled across your blog! I have really enjoyed reading it and am so excited to see others in the local area that are so creative.

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