

My friend Meg heads out tomorrow for America.  I first met Meg on a field trip to the Indian spice store.  Then she popped up again in my felting class and we’ve been buddies ever since.  She took all my jewelry and craft classes—even though she really didn’t need my help as she has a natural talent for making jewelry.  She’s made beaded gifts for all her pals–including me (the yellow bracelet I’m showing you there on my wrist) and will dig into making her friend’s wedding jewelry when she gets home, as well as pursue a second degree in library sciences.  So if you live on the East coast, be watching for Meg in a library near you and tell her I said HI.  Meg, we’re going to miss your enthusiasm and warm personality around here.  Hugs.


  1. Wow! a fellow librarian on the craft sight. I am impressed Candie! I’m just slightly depressed that she has artistic ability when you know I am highly handicapped I am in that area.

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