Acorn Clothespin Fairies


Hello there!  We're Ginger and Bobby, friends of Candie's.  She asked us to pop by and tell you she's still writing her new jewelry making book for Lark Books.  We've seen the projects for it.  We're a little biased, but they are pretty great! 

Let us entertain you with our moves from Acorn du Cirque until she comes back.

By the way, Candie and her Mom, Jean, made us for the Plaid Kids Blog.  If you want to make some friends of your own, check out the Acorn Fairies tutorial there.

Geode Jewelry


I'm so excited to be leaving for the Craft and Hobby show in a couple days where I'll be doing the make and take for Plaid Enterprises and catching up with my crafty friends!  This year we are making some beautiful necklaces in the Plaid booth with the new Dazzling Geodes line.  I can't take credit for the photos btw.  I asked the gals at Plaid for them because I wanted to share ideas for how we used the geodes and components to create the sample projects.  I love to layer parts and pieces and the flatness of the rocks makes it really easy.


This bracelet uses the prong setting findings.  You can use the prong settings for pendants too. I went to JoAnn Fabrics last night to pick up some pieces to make more jewelry with them.  Have I mentioned how much I love all the geode colors!?!  Only a thousand times, right.  I came home with black, pink and yellow.


Tons of silver and gold charms as well as sparkly links like this.  You can get the geodes in honkin' big or smallish size.  This is only the beginning–you could decoupage images to them or glue flat back crystals on the side.


Think bold!  And love that it only takes five minutes to whip up! There is also a book with more project ideas like this with the components.  JoAnn's has their jewelry section 40% off this week.  Now's the time to stock up on your findings….there's still winter daylight to burn and sanity to save.