Bluebird of Happiness Necklace

Blue Bird of Happiness Necklace from Candie CooperHave you ever started making something and you don’t know what you’re doing or where you’re going, but you just dig in?  That’s how this necklace came to be.  I made it on the show floor in Tucson two years ago (the first year I worked with  I had just read the Happiness Project book by Gretchen Rubins.


I’m no stranger to soul searching, contemplating (ok, over-thinking sometimes) and trying to figure out what really makes me happy.  As someone with a diagnosed mild to moderate anxiety disorder (aka worry wort), I think this comes with the territory.
Candie Cooper Blue Bird of HappinessBack to simply digging in on this necklace, I think it’s kind of a metaphor of my happiness: Stop talking and thinking about it and just dig in.  Choose to do what makes me happy.
Blue Bird of Happiness Necklace by

And that’s the cool thing about jewelry—it serves as a reminder.  In Gretchen’s book, she talks about having a bluebird of happiness reminder (paper weight, I think).  This is mine.  I wear it because it makes me happy, as a shield (you will not steal my joy) and when it’s not being worn I hang it up where I can see it.


Tassels from Woman Shops World on Etsy

Large Beads from