Yesterday morning I was searching for bike baskets (some that could carry Rocker), only to go to the super-store and see this shirt. I think it's a sign. Do they make doggie bike helmets?
There's still time to sign up for this class (taught by me, the crazy dog lady). It's a little bit felting and a little bit metalworking. You will learn lots of neat techniques that you can use however you like. It takes place next Monday and adventurous beginners are welcome! Here are the details and feel free to message me with questions.
I'm off to the Girl Cave. That's what I called our studio when we moved in because we can have as much girly stuff as we want! Yes girls, heaps of ribbon and beads, baskets full of buttons and racks full of colorful paint. Dark chocolate truffles stashed in the cupboards. You'd love it. My studio-mate came up with Jewels and Tools and the guy at the paint store calls it the Lady Lair. We have fun. My work table is packed with funky beads for a special project. Thousands of beads and more about that later. I hope to see you in class on Monday! XO.