Mother’s Day Birthstone Necklace Idea

Mother's Day Birthstone Necklace IdeaThis idea came about when someone asked me if I could make their mom a necklace for Mother’s Day.  I thought about it for awhile and my feeling about custom jewelry is, if you’re going to have something custom made, it should be yours. Plus, I love telling a story through my jewelry!

Jewelry Making birthstone necklace ideaFamilies are gardens that grow each year.  The tassel has each of her grandkids birthstones dangling at the end.  I love the rainbow effect.  At the top, you’ll see a small pink crystal–that is her husband’s birthstone color.

You could also include her children within the tassel as well.  If I were going to do that, I might make those a different shape or size of crystal.  Oh the symbolism of it all.  Makes my heart flutter!

I hope this sparks some ideas for you.  Make one for your friend, your mom, for you…

Lots of Love,


P.S.  If you’re new to jewelry making, you can see how to make these tassels in my craftsy class:  Beading with Wire Chain and Leather.   Also, the big pretty brass flower bead cap is from